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"Be the Student of Your Own Teachings"

May 2, 2024

Let's welcome a new visitor: Self-Acceptance

In a recent business coaching session with a woman whose goal to become a nationally-recognized thought leader, this quote came to me as I shared my observation:

"Be the Student of your own Teachings."


This client recently completed her Reiki Training .  When she was referred to me, she was looking for support about how to build a business in this entrepreneurial space.  She has a full-time career in a traditional field and is ready to live into her fullest potential serving in her highest purpose on the planet. 

But, life is doing what life does, which is it moves to the beat of its own drum. 

Her pet is ill and taking all of her focus.  She isn't able to meet some of the objectives she set for herself.  The timeline she mapped out so she could move towards her new career goal, living into her highest purpose on this planet, is being deterred. 

And in the deterrence, self-blame is arising


We humans are so good at self-criticism.  Our perfectionist expectations of ourselves most likely outweighs any other expectation we hold for anyone or anything else.

As she shared the impatience she was experiencing with her lack of forward movement because of these very tender circumstances with her pet, I looked at her with the grace and kindness she teaches others, and said,

"Be the Student of your own Teachings."


As I said those words, her ears heard them, her mind registered them and then I saw her body take them in.  How did I "see" it?

She took a big inhale.  She raised and stretched her arms.  Then released a long exhale and the corners of her mouth turned upward - she smiled.

She then vocalized how helpful that statement was, "Be the Student of your own Teachings."  What a reminder it was, that it gave her whole body, her nervous system, peacefulness.  Those words literally gave her body space to breathe.


When you're ready to have someone help you argue against the awful visitor called, Self-Criticism, I'm here to escort them out of your mind so your body, heart and soul can find space to breathe deeply, drop your shoulders, and gain a sense of calm and new perspective.  You may even find a new visitor at your door: Self-Acceptance. 


Let me coach you.  Whether there are personal or professional goals that are calling you, nagging you to be addressed and fulfilled, reach out.

Text or call 8457977146 or visit my contact page.

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